Thursday, December 5, 2013


With all of the black friday and Christmas sales, I have been debating on whether or not I should buy a juicer. I know, a bit behind the times. I've gone to juice bars and have ordered some good juice and I have also have walked away with a drink that taste like the earth. A friend so graciously lent me her juicer so I could give it a try before I take the plunge and purchase one. I have been experimenting with different fruits and veggies to see what I like best. I thought I would share my favorite so far! 

First let me say, that I have never had a beet in my life and had no clue what I was in for, but they are actually quite tasty. (and leave a nice pink stain on your lips.) 
Ingredients: 1 red apple 
2 clementines
1 beet
3 carrots
A bushel (4/5 leaves) of kale
After I stirred the juice up I realized that it needed just a little more something. 
So I added a green apple to it! 
Perfection! This is my favorite combo so far! It taste 10% like earth, 80% like a sweet candy, and another 10% of kale. A nice healthy way of getting more fruits and veggies. Now I guess I can say that I've had a beet! Yay me! 

Share your juice recipes with me! 

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