Tuesday, June 24, 2014

bee's birthday inspiration [aka: wishlist]

I am about to be another year older [july 2]. I cannot believe it. My 26th year of life just flew by and to say that it was AMAZING is a huge understatement. It was incredible. Despite still being asked what high school I attend or how much older my brother is than me, I can say that I definitely feel the responsibility of a [about to be] 27 year old. [by the way, my brother is younger than me... by 4 years.] I am not only physically stronger than I was last year but I am spiritually stronger. I took my 26th year of life to really solidify my run with God. [I say run because... why walk when you can run?] I managed to give up gluten and dairy for most of my 26th year and it really has been the best decision ever. I also pushed my body to do things that I have never done before, like run 10K, wake up for 5am spin classes, and attend boot camp classes that have me lifting heavier weights and doing countless burpees.
I know God has some amazing things in store for me in this next year of life. I can't wait to see what He is going to do. On a less serious note, every birthday must have some presents. Here's what I would love to receive.
Crash the Chatterbox by: Steven Furtick 

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