Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Life Lately: Marching Band Edition [according to my phone]

The marching band season is over and boy was it a great season. From last April when the season first started with the Color Guard to Nov 1 when it ended, it was filled with amazing memories. Sneaking in a BeyoncĂ© stretch block with the whole band during band camp. Dressing up like the director for section look-a-like day. Coming up with nicknames for the students. Becoming friends with each student. Countless cups of Biggby coffee. Dropped drumsticks, thrown drill, and band hashtags. A staff huddle under the podium during a rainstorm. Windy shows, cold shows, and rainy shows. Doing makeup and hair in a parking lot, hairspray on the bus, and intense eyebrows! I love watching the improvement from each student from their first day at band camp to their last show of the season. They have worked hard and dedicated themselves to the show and in that last 8 minutes at State Finals, it shows. Enjoy the random photos from the season found on my phone. 
^ Sometimes when the wind decides to throw all of your Color Guard equipment everywhere all you can do is Smile and Survive. ^
^ Sometimes a mug of coffee just won't do the job and you need to tap out for a few minutes. 
My two best friends Michelle and Aaron, don't know what I would do without you both in my life. ^
^ Last rehearsal of the season! It was cold and windy. What's new?!? ^
^ CPMB 2014 Color Guard ^
^ Our Wolf and Lil' Red were amazing during each rehearsal and each performance. Their dedication to their character really brought this show to a whole new level. ^
^ Watching my 3 seniors grow during the last four years of teaching them has been such a blessing. I love these girls with all my heart! 
Waiting to go on the field for our final performance. My bracelet was made by Michelle and it has my new life motto on it, "Never Look Back" ^
^ So this is what happens when students steal your phone from your bag. HILARIOUS! ^

It's time to close the chapter on 'A Wolf's Tale.' It's been a pleasure Comstock Park Marching Band. Bee out. 

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