Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Be Creative

Bee’s tips on how to be more creative.

-Remove yourself from your normal environment. 
Rather than doing work in your office, room, kitchen, etc, go to a coffee shop or the library. Go into town and just walk around or sit outside. Take a different route when driving. Get out of your normal routine!

-Be more daring with your wardrobe. 
If you only wear solids, like me, then branch out and wear some patterns. Don't think twice about it, put on what you want and just walk out the door with confidence. Dress for yourself and not others. 

- Make a small daily change. 
Small changes can turn into big changes. Something as simple as a haircut, a different ipod playlist, or tea instead of coffee. Just don't over think it.

- Brainstorm.
I am a big fan of lists. I like to make lists when I need to get things done. Well how about making a list when you don’t need to get things done? That list could be really fun!

- Turn off the TV! 
For someone who enjoys Netflix just as much as everyone else, this can be hard. TV can be a mind-killer. You just sink into that sofa forgetting about everything, or thinking about everything and how your life doesn’t compare to what you’re watching.  Just turn it off!

- Carry a notebook to capture ideas, thoughts, and random events. 
And by a notebook, I don’t mean your cell phone. Actually have a pen and a notebook.

Pick up a book every now and then. No matter what kind of book, pick it up, exercise your brain, and let the words inspire you. 

- Take a break.
 When life is a little overwhelming and hectic and even when it's not… just take a break. Everyone can find 10 minutes in his or her day to turn everything off and relax. Let the day wash away and start fresh!

- Practice, practice, practice. 
One of my high school teachers would always say, "practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more." He was referring to our musical instruments but this can be applied to life. Don't be afraid of failing or making mistakes. Get right back up and do it again! 

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