Friday, January 6, 2012

Judged and Under Estimated

Have you ever felt judged or under estimated? 

I felt that way this week. I went to a boot camp class at my gym and I felt judged by the people in that class.  I felt that everyone in that class was under estimating my athletic ability because of the way I look.  It was a horrible feeling.

There is another side to this story.  When I walked in there I started sizing people up and thinking, “there is now way she is going to make it through this class.” I started under estimating others while at the same time I felt under estimated by them. 

I guess it goes both ways. But should it? Should we always be judging and under estimating people’s abilities, looks, talents, and achievements? I am guilty of all of that. Looking down on people because of what shoes they are wearing, or thinking bad thoughts about something they said or did that I don’t agree with, or thinking I know all about them when I really don’t. It’s time to stop all of that.

Stop judging others.

Stop under estimating others. 
Stop looking down on others.

When you feel judged, under estimated, or looked down upon, be yourself and prove to yourself they are wrong!

I know this entry is kind of deep but I am talking to myself as much as I am talking to you. 

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