Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Goals...Whoops!

Goodbye February! So how did my February goals go? To be honest, I'm not that pleased with myself. 

Here was my list of February goals. 

  • Organize my closets and donate items I don't use anymore. I did organize them a little bit, but not the way I really wanted to. I donated 1 bag of items to a local thrift store.

  • Run 60 miles (not all at once... that's crazy!) Well... I think I clocked about half of that this month. The weather was kind of crummy this month but I did run outside a few times otherwise I clocked some miles on the treadmill. I did have a good long 5 mile run on Super Bowl Sunday that was amazing!

  • Buy plane tickets This DID NOT happen. However it will in March! 

  • Do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD each day. This was difficult. However, I really have no excuse because I just didn't do it. I got through the first week of February but then just stopped. 

  • Start and Finish a book This didn't happen either! 

  • Drink less coffee (seems crazy but sometimes a caffeine buzz can be a bad thing) Finally, something I did! I committed to only drinking coffee on the weekends and I really think it helped me. I drank tea instead and I slept better at night, my teeth weren't stained as much, and I just felt better. For sure going to keep doing this!

  • Sleep at least 6 hours each night (if not more) I had trouble with this on the weekends but overall, I was sleeping a lot better this month. A lot had to do with less caffeine and also not bringing electronics into my room. Some nights the laptop and the phone would just stay downstairs. 

  • Spend more time with friends and family This month we had a big Super Bowl party at my house with practically our whole church. I was also able to have a couple free weekends to just hang out at home with my family. I love those days when it's just you, your family, and netflix. :)

  • Do more DIY projects I did a few DIY projects this month that turned out great! 

  • Paint my room This is going to be accomplished this weekend! I did buy the paint and the room is all set and ready to be painted!

  • Eliminate unnecessary spending I did my best with this one. When I think of unnecessary spending I think of $10 nail polish, like that is just unnecessary. So with that in mind, I didn't buy $10 nail polish this month and I was really careful with my money. Each purchase I made had a purpose and was needed. With the exception of this Jason Wu shirt from Target. (I just wanted it!) 

  • How did you February go? Did you meet any goals? Or did you miss most of your goals (like me)? Here's to a new month! 
    Happy Leap Day! 

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