Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Month- New Goals

I really can't believe it's February! January was a great month for me and I am excited for an amazing February. So since it's a new month I thought I would set some goals for this month. Here it goes...

  • Organize my closets and donate items I don't use anymore. 
  • Run 60 miles (not all at once... that's crazy!) 
  • Buy plane tickets
  • Do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD each day. 
  • Start and Finish a book
  • Drink less coffee (seems crazy but sometimes a caffeine buzz can be a bad thing) 
  • Sleep at least 6 hours each night (if not more)
  • Spend more time with friends and family
  • Do more DIY projects
  • Paint my room
  • Eliminate unnecessary spending
What are some of your February goals? Did you meet some January goals?


  1. Hmmm.
    Trying to think of goals for february is a little difficult- by the time i get back from san fransisco the month will be half over!

  2. 1. Jealous of your San Fran adventure.
    2. You're going to be in a different city... you can do plenty of new and exciting things!!!
    3. Have fun!

  3. *read and study the Bible
    * spend more time in God's presence
    *keep pressing onward in being healthy
