Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Kony Thoughts

So yesterday a video went viral, I'm pretty sure you have already seen it but just in case you haven't... click here if you have 30 minutes.

*Disclaimer: This is my thought and my opinion, I understand you may or may not agree with it, and that's ok.

Kony Thoughts:
I did not watch all 30 minutes of this video. When I first started watching it at 7am, it had about 100,000 views. Currently it has close to 20 million! That just boggles my mind. Here's the thing, like the video said, the game is changing. This world is media driven and that is how the word gets out. Well the word sure got out about this video.

After watching 10 minutes I knew that Joseph Kony was, for lack of better words, bad. Abducting, mutilating, and killing innocent children is horrible. Training them up to kill other people is horrible. It broke my heart to hear the children voices and hear the fear behind their words. No child should be living in fear. This is wrong and yes, something should be done. But, what about all the other innocent children in our own country being mutilated and killed?

Yes, I am going there... what about the millions of children in the US being aborted every year? (1.21 million babies were aborted in 2008.) I understand there is a lot of controversy about this subject but when you get right down to it, those innocent babies are being killed. What if someone made a 30 minute film showing the reality of abortion. Showing the real stories? Would the world react the same way? Would there be an overflow of tweets, facebook posts, and conversations discussing what should be done to stop the innocent murdering of children? It is such a silenced topic, and I think people are just being naive to what is really going on. They have the don't ask don't tell attitude about it and that is sad.

I had the amazing opportunity to pray outside of an abortion clinic that is in my hometown, Grand Rapids, MI. When people were walking by they were asking what we were doing. When we told them that this building was an abortion clinic, they said, "Oh my word, I had no clue."

I know there are two sides to every coin. I believe until the world really comes back to God and our nation is truly, "ONE NATION UNDER GOD." Then the bad in the world and our nation will continue.

Again, this is my thought and my opinion, you may agree and you may disagree.

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