Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Podcasts: what?/where?/when?

The other week I found myself sick of the music on my ipod, so I turned on the radio. Boy… there are a lot of commercials on the radio. I basically had a commercial filled drive. BORING!

When I returned home I went to the itunes store to find some free podcasts.
Here’s what I ended up with...
  • The Jillian Michaels Show
  • Messenger International- John and Lisa Bevere
  • Stuff You Should Know
  • This American Life
  • When the Kids go to Sleep- Shay and Colette
  • Good Job Brain
So far I have listened to bits and pieces of each podcast and I am really enjoying them. I feel like I am making better use of my time by learning something while still being productive. So when do I listen to them???
Driving: The Jillian Michaels Show (her podcasts are a bit long, a little under an hour so I can complete one while running errands on a Saturday.  I love all the motivation and exercise tips).  
              Stuff You Should Know (if you really want to know the in-depth reason for something, you need to listen to these. I’ve only listened to a couple and I honestly feel so smart afterward I complete one.)
Cleaning: Good Job Brain (this quirky quiz show is fun and goofy, it’s about 45 minutes long= my attention span for cleaning)
Running Outdoors: When the Kids go to Sleep (this podcast is hosted by Shay and Colette of THE SHAYTARDS on youtube. I love their comedy and special guests. It’s also 30 minutes long, which is a perfect length for a good run, although I get funny looks when I am laughing out loud while running.)
Crafting: Messenger International (John and Lisa Bevere are great ministers and speakers. You always feel inspired and uplifted after listening to one of their podcasts).
               This American Life (I like listening to these when I am working on something for a long time. The different stories really fascinate me.)

What podcasts do you listen to? When do you listen to them and why? 

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