Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So You're At The Gym... Now What?

This past weekend I knew I needed to get a good workout in so I headed to the gym. Once I got into the gym I ran a mile on the treadmill and thought, "what now?" I wasn't lacking the motivation, I was just so sick of using the machines and needed something different. So I went over to the weight room and got a jump rope, set of 8lb dumbbells and pulled out the battle ropes. 
Here's what I did. 
Set up my stopwatch on my cell phone.
1 minute intervals of the following. 
  • Jump Rope (Fast) 
  • Bicep Curls/Overhead Press/Tricep Dips (Rotate Each Set)
  • Battle Ropes
Repeat this set 3 times with 15-30 seconds in between
This is something that can be done at the gym when you just don't know what to do. Just grab 3 different things and go to town. 


  1. You're a great inspiration! I recently have completely changed my eating habits and I am about to celebrate my 1 year "anniversary" of being a vegetarian and ommitting sweets & any drink but soda from my diet. But being healthy goes way beyond just what you eat, and you've really inspired me to start a good exercise plan as well! If you'd like to check out my blog/follow me too, that would be awesome...otherwise, please keep blogging and I'll keep reading! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement Olivia. And CONGRATS on being a vegetarian for a year. This time last year I was a vegetarian too. Consider yourself followed by me! :) Your blog is great!
