Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Favorites: July 6

I am going to be honest, it's been a little hard adjusting back into my daily routine and getting off vacation mode. Anyone else have that problem during the summer or right after a vacation? This week has been a big week for me. I turned 25! My birthday was on Monday, July 2 and I spent the day working 14 hours. My family and friends celebrated my birthday with me on the 3rd. I had a great birthday. I started the week turning 25 and ended the week with pneumonia. Yes, it has been quite the week. Being sick during the summer is probably the worst thing ever. 
So please excuse my random friday favorites. :) 
Happy Friday! 
DIY PROJECTS: These will be completed this week. I am finishing my room remodel as a part of #hustlemonth

Favorite Summer Cleanser: This Clean & Clear cleanser is great for deep cleaning during the summer. My skin goes with the seasons here in Michigan and it is the worst during the summer. Because of the heat and humidity I break out very easily. This cleanser is my saving grace! Here is a coupon for it! 
Favorite Throat Drops: I was in Target searching for something for my throat and I saw the word "honey" and I was sold. These are great! 

Favorite Soon-To-Be Purchase: I haven't bought this book yet but I am planning on picking it up this weekend. I have been using these rules ever since getting back from California. I went a little crazy being on "vacation mode" and gained a couple pounds. I have been following these rules and am back to  pre-vacation weight. Can't wait to read this book.

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