Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This year I will...

2012 was a great year and I know that God has some amazing things planned for me in 2013. I am ready to go after it. 

This year I will...
read and study my bible more
not spend money on beauty products i don't need
actually read some books
travel more (even if it's just to see my grandma) 
run a 10k
save more money
go to a tigers game (last year that never happened) 
buy a marc jacobs handbag (again, didn't happen last year) 
learn to sew
see a broadway muscial
use my singing voice for God
not be so impulsive with itunes purchases
cook and bake more (the food needs to be edible) 
put more effort into growing friendships
take more pictures

Highlights from 2012! 
My trip to California
4th of July with friends

Watching my brother become the best longboard racer ever! 
Teaching Color Guard and working with my dad! 
Making new friends!
Staying best friends.

Here's to another amazing year! 

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