Tuesday, April 30, 2013

For Gnarnia!

Over the weekend my family crammed into our new Subaru Outback at 3am to drive 6 hours to Columbus, Ohio. My brother had his first long distance push race of the longboarding season, the Gnarnia Marathon. I was voted to be the navigator on this trip therefore, I was not allowed to sleep. With 4 iced coffees in my system, I was good to go. The drive there was long but that was to be expected. Once we got thru all the corn fields and into the city of Columbus, it was gorgeous.
The weather was beautiful and perfect for a 15 mile race.
After being awake for 24 hours and stuck in a small car for 4 hours... this is what can happen. 
Two racers were representing Michigan riders. Nate (left) and Jared (right). 
Both amazing riders!
One of my favorite moments was when some dood came up to me and said, "Hey, is that the guy that works at a coffee shop? I saw him on youtube!" HILARIOUS! 
Nate WON! He finished in just over an hour. No one expected anyone to finish that fast so there was no one waiting at the finish line except for our family and a couple other parents. 
People's minds were blown! 

Gnarnia Longboarding Marathon 2013 from Bee Moore on Vimeo.

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