Dear faithful readers (all two of you and my mom), I apologize for the lack of posts.
Time to get back at it.
Over spring break we took a road trip to G-ma's. My G-ma lives about 2 hours away on the East side of Michigan. She lives in the middle of all the favorite places I love to shop. WIN-WIN!
I bought a lot of fun things. (that will have to be a separate post)
Traveling with a family of adults can be difficult and quite fun at the same time. Everyone wants to listen to their own thing and I always want to take a nap. Between my brothers gas issues and my moms hot flashes we might as well have kept the windows down the whole trip.
Cheapest coffee drink ever! (super iced coffee w/one pump of vanilla and soy-$2!)
It's organized... in a messy kind of way.
brother and sister back seat entertainment options- JT and pokemon
FroYo at IKEA is a must!
Found this gem of a photo at G-ma's house.
Bee, all fancy in her sailor dress (which I hated) during preschool graduation.
Sounds like you had fun! I'm going to have to try that iced coffee drink! 2 more days..enjoy!