Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bye Bye Bunion

Yesterday I went under the knife to remove a fabulous bunion in my foot. Not really the greatest way to start out the summer. I have about a 3 week window of time where I can take a break from work and life. After that life starts back up in full swing and no bunion will keep me down. The surgery went great. I was a little nervous going into it. I thought I would expose some deep dark secrets from my past while I was knocked out during surgery. However my doctor informed me that I told everyone in the room how much I like to shop. So much for a deep dark secret. 
I think everyone knows that about me. :)
Now I just need to relax and recover. 

Top 10 List of Things To Do When Stuck In Your Room
- FaceTime with cousins
- Catch up on movies you missed because you never had money to see them in the theater
- Snuggle with your doggies
- Read
- Perfect your nail art skills
-Un-tag yourself from super embarrassing photos from 5 years ago on facebook
- online shop 
- read the bible
- lift some free weights
- text/snapchat anyone that will reply 
Thank you to everyone who prayed for me while I was in surgery! I love you all!!!

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