Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Vacay Has Started

School is out and summer is here! Time for the fun to really begin. This weekend was packed with a fun event each day to get vacay started! A sweet sixteen birthday party, festival GR, and our annual Church Picnic! Summer is always filled with the best parties.
This weekend was no exception. 
The sweet sixteen princesses! I have grown up with these girls for all 16 years of their lives. They have grown into gorgeous young women. They both are using their gifts for God and I love seeing what He is doing in their lives. 
All the lovely ladies from old to young. Age doesn't matter to us. 
My festival GR partner in crime. 
My first chicken on a stick experience. It was difficult to eat while sitting on a curb but it was delicious! 
My dad's high school Jazz Band had a great performance downtown at festival! 
You're never to old to play on the playground. (Although you are old enough to realize that the dragon you are sitting on is quite inappropriate.)
I hope your weekend was as fabulous as mine! 
Photo Cred: Hannah, Phil, Jen, and Pierre

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