Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bee's Favorites: MAY

May is officially over. Here are some of my favorite things from last month. 

Putting my whole itunes library on shuffle! It's one mood swing after another. I discover albums that I never have listened to before that somehow, through the magic of the public library ended up in my itunes. Broadway, folk, soundtracks, hard core rock, to worship music.... it's one big surprise when it's on shuffle!
Lush Blousey Shampoo: I didn't buy a full size of it because it is a little pricey for a shampoo. The sample they gave me was good for two washes. Let me tell you, my hair looked amazing after those two washes! Tons of shine and it kept my frizz under control. If I have $25 laying around taking up space I am going to buy a full pot of blousey. 

Emergen-C ElectroMix Packet: I heard about these from Olivia & Hannah of #myfitspiration. These are perfect for replacing missing electrolytes after a workout or when you're just feeling worn down. I mix it in with a bottle of water and drink it down. *The taste is similar to a sparkling lemon lime soda.
bright nails: I am loving having really bright nails since my skin is starting to get tan again. Essie Tart Deco and Forever 21 Neon Pink are great bright options for the start of summer!

 Boba! I have seen boba lattes but have never tried one. With the expert advice from some friends and google maps I found a boba latte place about 20 minutes away from my house. I got a punch card too, which means I will be back for more. (I got the oreo boba.)
#50MilesInMay: I really loved this challenge. My goal was to run 50 miles in May. I came 9 miles short of my goal. However I know I did at least walk/run/longboard/bike 50 miles in May. I am counting it as a success. Check out my other posts about the challenge!
The Book of Esther: I have been reading about Esther lately and remembering what an extraordinary woman she was. I am inspired by her desire to save her people. She was so unselfish that she was willing to die if it saved her people. She knew who she was and never changed from that even though her life was at stake. 

What things were you loving during May? 

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