Monday, July 15, 2013

Year 26 Goals

It's not January 1 but my birthday was about 2 weeks ago and I have started a new year of my life. I am a big goal setter. I like to set daily, weekly, monthly goals to help keep me on track. No goal is too small or too big or too silly.
Here are my year 26 goals or bucket list for this year!

Learn to make more of my mom's signature meals
Read/Listen to books
Grow out my hair
Become debt free! (stupid student loans are going down!)
Run a 10k
Bike from Holland to Grand Haven
Stick to a budget
Go to Chicago
Watch my brother win more longboard races
Go to California or Texas to visit relatives
Do something that scares me (heights or animals may be involved)
Spend more time with my Gramma
Volunteer more
Save up for a good camera
Not be afraid to sing at Church
Buy an iphone
Donate blood
Host more parties
Keep living for the kingdom

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