Tuesday, February 11, 2014

21 Questions with Bee

It's almost been 2 years since I did my first "get to know bee" post. In the past 2 years I have changed and grown up a lot. If I were to answer those questions now my answers would be completely different. Being able to look back at them is kinda fun though. Since my blog has grown more readers and evolved into something that I really love, I thought I would create another "get to know bee" type post. After filtering through a bunch of questions here are the 21 that I picked. [grab a snack... cause 21 is a lot of questions]
[1] If you could visit any country in the world where would you visit? Ever since The Lord of the Rings came out I have wanted to go to New Zealand. It just looks so gorgeous. Take me to the Shire! 
[2] What are some of your favorite TV shows? I am very bi-polar when it comes to TV. I love comedies like The Mindy Project, New Girl, and Modern Family. I also love intense shows like Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. I also love classics like The Cosby Show, The Dick VanDyke Show or I love Lucy. 
[3] Who are some of you favorite YouTubers? I love watching the SHAYTARDSFunForLouisClaire MarshallViviannaDoesMakeup, and LilyPebbles. I also love watching and listening to ElevationWorship and BethelMusic.
[4] Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I do untie my shoes when I take them off. I also take it one step further and tuck in the laces. A bit OCD but it keeps the laces clean.
[5] Scary movies or Happy Endings? I will watch both. If I watch something that has a scary ending, I do need to follow up with a movie that has a happy ending. Example: 'Boy in the Striped Pajamas' followed up by 'Cinderella'. 
[6] Do you like your job? I love both of my jobs. Job 1: Owning a childcare full of energetic toddlers. Job 2: Teaching a very talented Color Guard under my dad's leadership and with my best friends. 
[7] Is there anything you don't eat? Well this is a fun question. I recently took a food allergy test (sidenote: only take one of these if you're willing to give up some foods). For the past 5 months my eating has changed a lot! I don't eat gluten, dairy, or nuts. Those are the big ones. I could get more specific but I will save you from that. 
[8] What song makes you feel amazing and why? I know it's cheesy but "Survivor" by Destiny Child is a song that makes me feel like I can do anything. If I am having a bad day or struggling during a workout, it's my go-to!
[9] Who's the person in your life that you admire the most and why? I really admire my mom. Read more on that here. 
[10] Do you like spontaneity or more of a routine? I would say that I like 30% spontaneity and 70% routine. I teach toddlers that NEED a routine, so by default my life is very routine. 
[12] How would your friends describe you in 3 words?
Michelle said, "Gluten Free Diet." 
Hannah said, "Bold. Funny. Caring." 
Matt said, "Faith centered, child friendly, trustworthy friend." 
Amy said, "Loving, thoughtful, kind-hearted."
[13] What is the best advice you've ever been given? At my 23rd birthday party my mom gave me a plaque that had a verse on it, "delight thyself in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of your heart." [Psalm 37:4] She spoke into my life and told me that when she was my age she had this plaque on her desk as a reminder to keep living for him. She said, "Mija, keep you eyes on Him and He will never let you down. He will give you everything you desire." 
[14] What is your favorite bible verse? "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 It is the verse my business is based off of and reminds me that all the training my parents did with me has made me who I am today. 
[15] Put your itunes on shuffle and list the first 6 songs.
Something Like Olivia- John Mayer
To Kingdom Come- Passion Pit
You Know Me- Steffany Frizzel & Bethel Music
Acapella- Karmin
I've got the World on a String- Michael Buble
Brother Moon- Gungor
[16] What's your favorite cereal? Chocolate Chex
[17] Strength training or Cardio? Both!
[18] Dog person, cat person, or neither? I have 2 dogs but I choose, neither. 
[19] When you go to Starbucks Biggby what do you order? Hot: Tall, Soy Vanilla Bean.
[20] Top 3 favorite movies? West Side Story, Beauty & the Beast, The Sandlot
[21] What makes you smile? Watching others succeed at something. Listening to toddler's conversations with one another. The Grammas and Grandpas at the gym. Hearing kids sing. Seeing others smile. 

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