Friday, September 26, 2014

The Art of Celebration Tour

Last night was amazing! Seeing Rend Collective live was not only a concert but it was a celebration. This band has got to be one of my favorites. I love how they worship with such freedom. The powerful lyrics to each song will speak right to your heart. Also, they're from Ireland, who can beat that accent! My brother, my friend Hannah, and I enjoyed a great night of celebration and worship. 
^ Gareth Gilkeson spoke to the group and shared a story from his childhood that gave us all a real example of God's love. God isn't standing over us with a stick ready to punish us but rather, "The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." [Zephaniah 3:17] ^
^ Suitcase Instruments! Say What??? What could be cooler than a suitcase banjo? ^
^ The lead singer of Urban Rescue, Jordan was so down to earth. His voice is amazing. Also, their lyric videos are BOMB! Check them out! ^
^ Can I just say how much I love Moriah Peters. She was so real and is someone that I could totally hang out with for days. Her voice and message of being brave is beautiful. We bonded over both having younger brothers and loving MAC lipstick. Check out her music here! ^

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