Tuesday, July 17, 2012

15 more days!

There are 15 days left in July! (counting today.) What are you going to do with those 15 days? As a part of #hustlemonth I have set some goals to accomplish this month.
1. Catching up on business paperwork
2. 10k run training
3. Reading instead of watching T.V.
4. Starting my day earlier so I can spend time with just me and God
5. Getting out of my normal environment. ie: my house and city

So far, I have done pretty well. However, there is always room for improvement. So for the last 15 days of July, I am going to really focus on my 10k training. It has been so HOT and HUMID in Michigan (pretty much the hottest July ever!) so it is really hard to get motivated to run outside. Either you need to wake up at 5am (which is crazy!) and get it done or wait until 10pm.
I am also going to finish a book, this month! I have said it before, I am not a reader. It is hard for me to sit and be still for long periods of time and just read. I normally get so relaxed that I just fall asleep. I have started, Relentless by John Bevere and I am going to finish it by the end of the month! 
As far as getting out of my normal environment, I am still working on that. It is rough when you keep doing the same things, and finding yourself in the same places to get out of your comfort zone a little bit and start exploring. I do enjoying new things, new people, and places, I just need to make time to explore. 
So, here is the challenge! Are you ready? I want you to set at least 2 goals for the last 15 days of #hustlemonth! Simple or challenging! Let me know what your goals are! 
Comment below or tweet me! I would love to help encourage you! 

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