Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Favorites: July 27

Happy Friday! I have had a great week. I hope you have too. I am almost done with re-doing my bedroom (pics to come) and I am so excited at the way it is turning out. When Friday rolls around I sit and think, what did I do with my week? It always seems to fly by so fast. Well this week was very humid in Michigan. If you haven't felt humidity, I invite you to come over to the great lake state! It is sticky, hard to breathe, and makes your hair frizzy. However, for those that live in Michigan it is something that we are used to unfortunately.
Favorite Frizzy Hair Remedy: I have been wearing a low pony tail this whole week. Granted there is no stopping my frizz situation but the Aussie: Sydney Smooth 12 hour humidity hair spray helps a lot!
New Favorite Running/Everyday Short: I bought these shorts at Target. They were on the clearance rack and I thought the neon was so fun! They are the perfect length, not too short. Perfect for running outside or just running after kids. 
Favorite Order Out Food: Erb Thai's, veggie rolls. So yum! Full of veggies and only $4! Whenever I am in Grand Rapids I always stop by and get some of these. 
Favorite Pin of the Week: I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was so funny! 

Have a Happy Weekend! 
I am planning on going to the farmers market to stock up on local fruits and veggies, as long as it doesn't rain. 

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