Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What did you do with #hustlemonth?

Well as previously blogged, I mentioned #hustlemonth. The month of July was designated to hustle and make use of the time we have to get some stuff done. Well as I look back on July I think, I sure did hustle. 
I finished a room re-decoration/re-model process. 
I almost finished a book. 
I got up almost an hour extra every morning to spend time with just me and God.
I caught up on business paperwork that I have been putting off since the first of the year. 
I spent more time with friends and family. (I loved spending Saturday's with my parents just running errands.) 
I also started up my 10k run training. 

I am going to keep this #hustlemonth thing going into August!
Happy August everyone! 

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