Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Favorites: February 24

This week has been crazy busy! Finally Michigan decides to give us a decent amount of snow and give us a SNOW DAY! It's a much needed and unexpected day off. 

I hope your week was fantastic. Here are a few things that I have been enjoying this week. 

Favorite Hair DIY: I have been rocking the bun this week. The whole "doing my hair" process can take a while, and this is a great way to have it out of my face and away from baby hands and still look put-together.

Favorite Lip Balm: EOS Sweet Mint. This is my everyday lip balm. I love the texture, the scent, everything about it. 

Favorite Conversation with my Brother:  Me: "Why do you have your alarm clock set to a country station?"
My brother: "Because I hate country music." 
Me: "Enough said." 

Used-to be Favorite Reality Show: Okay, I have watched The Biggest Loser since season 1 and I have been a huge fan. It would inspire me. Now... it makes me sick. There is so much drama and back-stabbing. I am aware that some things may be edited to make it drama filled for ratings, but I am DONE! 
The show is no longer inspiring to me. 

Favorite Birthday Theme Idea: So my 25th birthday is in July and yes... with the help of pinterest I have started to plan it already. 

I hope you had a fun, exciting, and blessed week. Here's to another one! Happy weekend! 

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