Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Cleaning Part 2- ON THE GO

Ok, so life has been stinky the past couple days. I have received a stomach bug from someone or something and have been quarantined in my room for the past 48 hours! Eh... praise God for my macbook.

Keeping in the Spring Cleaning theme, here are some tips to keep your life clean when ON THE GO!

1.     Keep your handbag/backpack clean!
Whenever I am headed out somewhere I take 1 minute before I leave to clean out my handbag. I take out the gum wrappers; old post it notes, pens without caps, and anything that I don’t need.

2.     Have an “emergency kit” on hand.
Everyone’s “emergency kit” is going to look different. I keep a small makeup bag in my handbag that contains the following,
·      hand sanitizer
·      band aids
·      gum
·      floss
·      carmex
·      safety pins
·      bobby pins
·      1 hair tie
·      car charger for my phone
·      snack- normally it’s a larabar

3.     De-Clutter your phone.
Delete the apps that you aren’t using, clear out your text messages once in a while, and delete unused numbers.  My favorite Droid Apps for organization on the go are “Out of Milk” (it lets you keep a shopping list, to-do list, and a pantry list.) I also love the “Post It Note” app. When I have a lot of things to remember I will make a post it note and put it on my home screen for a reminder.

4.     Keep your vehicle clean!
After years of riding around in a clutter filled car, I have learned the art of keeping a clean car! When you bring it in your car… take it out! So simple! Also washing and vacuuming, and dusting your car on a weekly basis keeps it clean.

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