Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday Sermon Notes: March 25

Yesterday's sermon was incredible! You know how when you have that best friend who will be really super honest with you? Well that's what my Pastor did yesterday! He called us up in areas that we have been slacking in and areas where we have just gotten too comfortable in. Personally in life I can get too comfortable in my day to day routine. Time to change!

Ezekiel 38:18- 23

'Years ago when I spoke through my servants, the prophets of Israel, wasn't it you I was talking about? Year after year they prophesied that I would bring you against them. And when the day comes, Gog, you will attack that land of Israel. Decree of God, the Master. My raging anger will erupt. Fueled by blazing jealousy, I tell you that then there will be an earthquake that rocks the land of Israel. Fish and birds and wild animals—even ants and beetles!—and every human being will tremble and shake before me. Mountains will disintegrate, terraces will crumble. I'll order all-out war against you, Gog—Decree of God, the Master—Gog killing Gog on all the mountains of Israel. I'll deluge Gog with judgment: disease and massacre, torrential rain and hail, volcanic lava pouring down on you and your mobs of troops and people.
'I'll show you how great I am, how holy I am. I'll make myself known all over the world. Then you'll realize that I am God.'

  • Early Rain- is meant to water the seed
  • Latter Rain- is for the harvest
  • With both early rain and latter rain you have increased power, growth, and maturity in a short period of time.
  • Purity= divine protection 
  • Our personal wilderness will be such a growing experience, it won't last 40 years! 
  • When you're full of joy and the anointing you don't even notice the pain on the outside. 
  • More joy on the inside, less pain on the outside.
  • The greatest protection in your life is to be able to HEAR God's voice and OBEY it. 
  • God said, "My sheep hear my voice," We are all his sheep, not lambs so we can grow up in God. 
  • Always be in a place where you can hear from God. 
  • God speaking and obeying God's words are 2 different things. 
  • The Holy Ghost knows how to put you in a place of safety. 
  • Your Spirit is your inner ear, if you don't use it, you lose it. 

2 Corinthians 10:7-8
 7-8 'You stare and stare at the obvious, but you can't see the forest for the trees. If you're looking for a clear example of someone on Christ's side, why do you so quickly cut me out? Believe me, I am quite sure of my standing with Christ. You may think I overstate the authority he gave me, but I'm not backing off. Every bit of my commitment is for the purpose of building you up, after all, not tearing you down.'

  • Unity is where the blessing is. 
  • The oil never touched the flesh because you can't rule with your flesh. 
  • Authority is given for edification and not destruction. 
  • Submission proceeds commission. 
  • disorderly- adj. not keeping order; not keeping your rank. 

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