Thursday, March 7, 2013

5 baby steps to change

Most everyone has forgotten about their resolutions at this point. I know I still haven't read a book this year. However I have managed to be at the gym at least 5 days a week and be a little less impulsive with my money. (baby steps...)
 I am a firm believer in regular self check-ins. Sit yourself down and go over your current life. Filter out the negative and praise the positive. Pray for guidance and continue living. With the positive in mind, what are 5 small changes you can make to better yourself?

When I say small... I really do mean small. I find myself wanting to make super HUGE changes in my life but you don't get to the big unless you start with the small. I say it all the time, "gotta start with the baby steps." So what 5 baby steps will you take towards change? Whether it be in your life, in others lives, your health, or your relationship with God. List them out and post them where you can see them everyday! Remember, make these baby steps towards change attainable, realistic, and long lasting.

Here are mine...
1. Only one cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoon. (my coffee obsession is a bit out of control, I need to reign it back in a little.)
2. Go to bed without technology. (turn off the lap top and put my phone out of reach.) 
3. Wake up the first time my alarm goes off. (hitting the snooze button for 2 hours is not cute.)
4. Re-organize one area at a time. (bedroom, closet, bathroom.)
5. Put more money into my savings account. (even if it is just a little, it will add up.) 


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