Friday, January 10, 2014

Best In Beauty 2013: Brushes & Lips

Here's the last post of Best In Beauty 2013! I really have enjoyed sharing all of my favorite beauty products from 2013. Everyone has a hobby, beauty & makeup just happens to be one of mine. (I mean, it really could be worse.) Remember to leave a comment below sharing your favorite brushes or lip products from 2013! 
Real Technique Brushes: Well you can obviously tell I use every one of these brushes, sorry I didn't clean them. Every brush that I own is amazing. If you are going to invest in one brush get this one, it will literally change your life. 
1. NYX Butter Gloss: Each of these are great! I know I will eventually have them all. No shame either. 
Cherry Pie
Apple Strudel
Peaches And Cream
Creme Brulee
2. EOS Lip Balms [lemon drop, blueberry acai, passion fruit]
3. Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker [candy gloss]: This is the most painful plumping gloss every but I really believe that it works and therefore the pain is worth it.

Check out my makeup favorites here.
Check out my skincare/hair/nails/fragrance favorites here

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