Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring can only get better...

My body decided to welcome Spring by having a bonfire... in my throat. This past weekend was spent either in my bed or on the couch. My immune system is normally as strong as Paul Bunyan and his blue ox. I guess it decided to take a day off. I am the worst sick patient. I am stubborn, pathetic, and just not a happy person. Luckily my dog, Duncan decided that I was tolerable and kept me company while I binged my way through 6 episodes of Unique Sweets on the Cooking Channel. [amazing show!!!]
"Feed a cold, starve a fever." How does the saying go?  For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to try and sweat out the fever. Dumb idea. I went to the gym for 45 minutes for a sad attempt to sweat out some toxins. I looked pathetic. It made me feel worse and did not work. 
^ emergen-c, nyquil knockoff, and EOS tangerine = best friends ^
^ along with every other person in the world, I also watched Frozen over the weekend. I also would like to add that 'Let it Go' has been played 68 times according to my itunes library. [no shame] ^ 

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