Thursday, November 8, 2012

Getting Back on Track

After a crazy busy Summer and first half of Autumn schedule, I am finally slowing down and getting back on track with things that well...pretty much fell of the train during my busy months. Things such as...

  • Work Paperwork
  • Fitness (pretty much non-existent)
  • Taking time for myself (various DIY projects have yet to be DIY-ed)
  • Doing laundry on a regular basis ( I solved this problem by just buying new clothes when I ran out of clean ones. Simple solution right?)
  • Just taking time to myself 
  • Reading 
It's tough getting back into the swing of things when you have let them go for so long. This week I got my rear-end back into the gym and started attending my favorite class. I committed to running everyday, even if it was just a mile. I also bought new running shoes. New shoes will help encourage me to do anything! I also started catching up on paperwork for my job.
I alway say it's the baby steps that you have to take first before you can accomplish bigger things. I am taking baby steps to getting my "before marching band" routine back. If you're struggling to start something or get back into your favorite activity that you haven't had time for recently here is some advice, even if you don't feel like doing it just start it, and when you're done you will be glad you started! 

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