Monday, May 13, 2013

Fat Rapids

So if you haven't realized it already, I really like bragging on my brother and his sweet longboarding skills. (read this or this.) This past weekend was another race weekend. 
My brother and I like to travel in pairs, kinda like the Duggar's except we are the only pair of siblings in our family. 
Off to Big Rapids we went for the Fat Rapids River Rush. It was cold, colder than I expected, and rainy towards the end. Nate came in fourth and choose some sliding gloves from the swag table. I got a t-shirt, like I do at most races. I never leave a race empty handed. 
The race was small and well organized. I love an organized race that starts on time! 
The whole day was dope! Brother/Sister days are pretty much the best, especially when there is free swag involved. 

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