Friday, January 3, 2014

This Year I Will...

I don't like to make resolutions, I'm more of a goal girl. Last year I posted a "This Year I Will" and crossed a lot off the list. 
read and study my bible more
not spend money on beauty products i don't need 
actually read some books
travel more (even if it's just to see my grandma) 
run a 10k
save more money
go to a tigers game (last year that never happened) 
buy a marc jacobs handbag (again, didn't happen last year) 
learn to sew
see a broadway muscial
use my singing voice for God
not be so impulsive with itunes purchases
cook and bake more (the food needs to be edible) 
put more effort into growing friendships
take more pictures

Time to make some new goals for 2014! (I might take some from last years list too)
run a 10k
go and visit my cousins in Texas I haven't seen in 5+ years (or even met at all) 
buy a Michael Kors watch
invest in a good camera and lens
grow my hair out
read one book (I need to set the bar at an achievable level) 
continue my gluten/dairy free lifestyle
spend more time in God's word
continue working on communication in my friendships
remember more birthdays (a facebook wall post doesn't count either)
go see Newsies on broadway in Chicago
continue to train up little ones (this will be the bee hive's 4th year in business!)
go for more bike rides
*God continues to remind me how much He loves me by his grace and continued blessings on my life. I really do think I am His favorite. I am excited and anxious to see what 2014 will bring my way.*


  1. I really wanna buy a Michael Kors watch this year, and I'm also planning on investing in a camera too. All of your goals seem very reasonable, and I wish you good luck in achieving them!

  2. Thanks so much Lori Ann. Tweet me a pic of your watch and camera when you buy them! @SuperBeeMoore.
